Repairing laptops in Radstock, Midsomer Norton, Bath and Banes for 20 years and computers for over 30.

Our service area covers the whole of Bath and North East Somerset (Banes) and beyond.

We repair laptops and desktop computers. Upgrades, data transfer and security audits are other specialties, along with tune-ups, backup strategies and advice.

We recover your lost and deleted files – photos, documents, music, letters to Aunt Mabel etc.

We repair laptop components also – such as hard drives and screens. Upgrades too, such as WiFi and Wan cards, SSDs and RAM.

Walk in service – leave your laptop with us in the morning and we will do our best to repair or upgrade it in time for you to pick it up in the afternoon or evening.

Internet problems? Email difficulties? External peripherals issues? Ring 075 1017 1710 Monday to Saturday 9AM until 6PM.

Email us at for assistance and estimates or anything else you can think of 😉